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Equine Bequest Program

While some pet owners, establish “equine trusts” or name a caregiver for their equine in the event of their death, others are not fortunate enough to know someone they can trust to carry out their horses’ best interests. Horse Haven of Tennessee is happy to assist in these situations, but equine owners need to plan for this early. We will accept your horse/s through our equine bequest program and work toward finding them a forever home.

All animals bequeathed to Horse Haven will be put up for adoption, and we will follow our rigorous adoption procedure. Rest assured, we will go the extra mile to match your horses temperament and requirements with an adoptive family’s lifestyle. We will make every attempt to alleviate problems from stress and anxiety your pet may encounter while in an adoption center environment.

Our equine bequest program is limited to horses, mules and donkeys; we cannot accept other animals into the program. Equine must be current on vaccinations and have veterinary records kept with other important papers. We cannot accept stallions into this program unless they are under the age of five. All stallions will be gelded as soon as possible after entering our facility. Horse Haven of Tennessee will care for an animal as long as they are mentally and physically healthy or until they are adopted out through our adoption program.

Because we cannot predict the needs of your horse at the time we receive them, we ask that you include the following minimum donation per horse of $2,500.

Your attorney can assist with incorporating the bequest into your estate plan, and we are happy to work with you and your attorney to accomplish this. Feel free to contact us with any questions. We also ask that you contact us once your estate plan is finished so that we know your pet could be bequeathed to us at a later date. We would like to communicate with you at least annually to ensure your plans remain the same. You may also complete our online owner surrender form listing “Equine Bequest Program” as the reason for the future surrender.

We also offer a variety of other planned giving opportunities and naming opportunities, should you like see your legacy live on through the great services we provide to our community’s animals.

Please contact us for more information. (865) 609-4030 or by email at

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